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Get the full picture of the property.

Know the population growth trends of the block, crime rates from the local police station, and over 40+ signals to back up your buying decision.

How It Works



AI Agent 🤖

We provide you with a wealth of information, well sometimes, too much. So, let our AI Agent do the data analysis and just provide you with a digestible and actionable insights.

Comprehensive Rental Calculator

Comprehensive Rental Calculator 💰

No need to copy paste data from the listing to your spreadsheets, our calculator reads directly from the page and calculates important investment metrics to make sure your returns are healthy.

Accurate Data

Accurate Data 🎯

Data is sourced from various local government bodies at multiple levels of granularity starting from county level → city → zip code, all the way to the block level. Real estate is very local, so is our data.

Works Everywhere

Works Everywhere 🔎

Zillow Redfin Realtor Highlight any piece of text as long as it's a valid address and never miss out finding your next property.

Choose your plan


$0 / month
  • Start with 10 free reports

    2 free reports weekly.

  • Advanced rental calculator

    Automatically populates data such as price/sqft/etc.

  • Crime trend over 5 years

    Sourced from the closest police department through

  • Population growth

    Based on census data - tracks the growth / shrinking of the local population.

  • Over 40+ signals

    Accurate and localized data to back up your investment thesis.

Get started for free


$59.95 $598.95 / month / year
  • Run unlimited reports

  • Advance rental calculator

    Automatically populates data such as price/sqft/etc.

  • Crime trend over 5 year

    Sourced from the closest police department through

  • Population growth

    Based on census data - tracks the growth / shrinking of the local population.

  • Over 40+ signals

    Accurate and localized data to back up your investment thesis.


  • Everything in Professional plan

    All signals included.

  • Bulk Pricing

    Cost effective way to make your agents more data driven.

  • Custom Report

    White label PDF report generated for your clients.

Contact Us
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